Madison's Age

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, September 19, 2008

Madison: Climbing into the dishwasher

One evening after dinner Efrain and I were cleaning up the kitchen. As you can see the dishwasher was open and Madison decides to climb in. Here are some cute photos.

Below: Madison decides she's done being in the dishwasher and wants to be picked up because she cannot get down her self.
... "why am I not being picked up fast enough...
..."ok I am definitely not happy with my decision to climb into the dishwasher" ... Mommy stop taking pictures and pick me up!!!
From this point forward Maddie still hasn't climbed back in.

1 comment:

The Lyda's said...

So cute. It's so funny how we continue to take pictures and completely ignore the fact that they are so done with whatever they were doning and want/need our assistance.